Stand for Humanity, Choose HUMSS

Hi Junior High School Completer! Congratulations for making it this far! Welcome to Senior High School!

Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. If you have plans to go college, then choose academic track. However, your decision making doesn’t stop there. You still need to choose what strand will you take may it be STEM, ABM, GAS OR HUMSS. Well, many students choose HUMSS and here’s why.

What is HUMSS?

Humanities and Social Sciences or HUMSS is an academic strand that specializes on political sciences, literature, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, communication, sociology and psychology.

HUMSS enhances students’ critical thinking skills, creativity, leadership skills, confidence, reading and writing skills, oral communication, public speaking and challenges beliefs and views in life.

  When you’ve researched in the internet, I know you’ve encountered posts that are looking down on HUMSS and I bet some of the people around you says the same things too that this strand is easy because it doesn’t deal with several math and science subjects and the money you’ll make from the jobs related to this strand wouldn’t be that big.

I am telling you, do not be disheartened because this aren’t entirely true. HUMSS may not focus on math but the topics that are discussed here are diverse which are essential and interesting just like the latest trends, culture, art, history, politics and governance and many more that you will surely not be bored. And for as long as you utilize your passion well, they can actually buy you a meal-and more.

You will also be required to do lots of research which may seem demanding at first but as soon as you realize it, it’s actually an advantage or benefit because you got to learn new things that will be useful for you and to other people.
HUMSS strand will also help you discover yourself because you will be dealing and learning with a lot of people, their way of life, the human behavior and the society as a whole. It would test your open-mindedness which will help you too to assess your capabilities and what can you offer to this world.

Some college courses you can take after HUMSS:

  • Economics
  • Education
  • International Studies
  • Law
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • AB Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Linguistics
  • Mass Communication
  • Journalism

Some Career opportunities under HUMSS:

• Lawyer
• Politician
• Teacher
• Journalist
• Criminologist
• Writer
• Counselor
• Psychologist

Actually, a lot of students wanted to enroll in HUMSS and one of the many reasons is because HUMSS is the most relatable strand of all strand of senior high school. In HUMSS we talk about the life of a person and to what is happening in our society.

If you think your interests and capabilities belong to HUMSS then welcome to the club! For those who are having second thoughts, remember that you don’t have to be great in advance to be a HUMSS student because things can be learned and the journey will be fun and less stressful when you love what you are doing.

This strand is complex and challenging but passion fueled with determination and resiliency will keep you going. Along the way, you’ll experience inevitable challenges but you will also discover more, learn many things and build relationships which makes it all worth it in the end. So, don’t forget to enjoy the process and together, we can make the world a better place with humanity a top priority.

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