How to keep ourselves safe from COVID-19 even when we are outside our homes?

It is highly advised to stay at home in this time of pandemic in order to be safe. However, there are some instances wherein it is necessary to go out to do some errands or if you and your family just want to breathe fresh air for a while after staying inside your house for quite a long time. Here are some tips on how to keep ourselves safe from COVID-19 even when we are outside our homes.

Plan Ahead

When planning outings, try to avoid peak times and crowded settings and take routes that are less congested wherever possible.

Bring Sanitizer

Consider packing a hand sanitizer with atleast 60% alcohol, disinfecting wipes, tissues, extra fabric masks and resealable bag to store the mask while not in use (e.g. while eating or drinking).

Check family members

Before leaving the house, check to make sure all family members feel well and symptom-free.

Remind each other

Follow key precautions while outside, such as staying ay least one meter away from others, wearing fabric mask when close to people outside your household, not touching your face or mask surface and frequently washing or sanitizing your hands.

Bring your own

If you decide to eat outside, bring your own food and utensils. If this is not possible, choose the safest food option, such as take-out rather than dine-in. Don’t forget to wash or sanitize your hands before eating.

Wash your hands

Once you come home, make sure to first wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Safety is always the priority. Follow these tips in all your activities outside your homes to ensure a COVID-free household.

Source of Information: UNICEF

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