How to keep ourselves safe from COVID-19 even when we are outside our homes?

It is highly advised to stay at home in this time of pandemic in order to be safe. However, there are some instances wherein it is necessary to go out to do some errands or if you and your family just want to breathe fresh air for a while after staying inside your house forContinue reading “How to keep ourselves safe from COVID-19 even when we are outside our homes?”

Stand for Humanity, Choose HUMSS

Hi Junior High School Completer! Congratulations for making it this far! Welcome to Senior High School! Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. If you have plans to go college, then choose academic track. However, your decision making doesn’t stop there. You still need toContinue reading “Stand for Humanity, Choose HUMSS”

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